Are you a spouse, or a family member over 65 years of age or older and owns a life insurance policy with a death benefit of $100,000.00 or more?

What is a Life Settlement?

A life settlement is the sale of an existing permanent life insurance policy to a third party for a value mutually agreed upon by the seller and the buyer. A life insurance policy is a personal asset like a car. A life policy can be sold like any other asset. A life settlement can be a source of cash to help pay for senior care or be an opportunity to liquidate an asset.

Most importantly, money from a settlement can be used to help with current income needs or invest in something else. Reputable and committed life settlement specialists operate on the same premise as professional advisors to provide client services with a fiduciary duty and the best interest of the client in mind.

Top 5 Reasons to Consider a Life Settlement

Consider a settlement if you or your client are over age 70 and:
  1. Have children that have grown up and no longer need protecting
  2. Are retired and no longer need income replacement
  3. Have become more concerned with living too long instead of dying too soon
  4. Can’t afford premiums anymore
  5. Need to improve current cash flow

By the numbers ….

Americans lapse their existing policies at a rate of 4% to 5% per year.

90% of seniors who lapsed or surrendered their policy say they would have considered selling if they were made aware of the possibility.

$200 Billion a year of life insurance goes uncollected.

We’re here to make it easy


  • No fees or costs to complete the analysis of the information to determine the viability of a settlement. As a result,your decision to explore a settlement for the sale of a policy is at no financial risk to you.
  • In fact, policy-owners who sell their policies as a life settlement typically receive as much as four or five times greater than the amount they would have received had they simply surrendered their policies to their insurance companies.
  • A life insurance settlement is a valuable alternative for a life insurance policy owner to realize immediate cash value from a sale of the policy to a third party for a mutually agreed upon price.
  • Life insurance settlements can provide cash relief for clients that no longer need, want or can’t afford their existing life insurance.
  • A life insurance settlement is a valuable alternative for a life insurance policy owner to realize immediate cash value from a sale of the policy to a third party for a mutually agreed upon price.
  • You have retired and no longer need income replacement at death or his/her children are grown and no longer need protecting,
  • You sold your business and the key person policy is no longer needed,
  • You purchased the policy as part of an estate tax planning strategy which is no longer necessary,
  • You are retired and have encountered unexpected long-term healthcare expenses,
  • You simply want to obtain significant cash from a settlement to reinvest in something else or spend it!

Settlements provide cash relief for clients that no longer need or want existing policies. If the insured has retired and no longer needs income replacement, a life settlement can help alleviate the cost of an unneeded policy and provide a cash benefit that can be used to cover expenses like healthcare in retirement.

A life settlement is a cash alternative to insureds that can no longer afford their premium and no longer need the policy. The selling price is always greater than the surrender value.

When you sell your policy you will be taxed in 3 tiers:

  1. Proceeds received up to the cost basis (total premiums paid) are free of income tax.
  2. Proceeds received that are greater than the cost basis, up to the amount of the cash surrender value, are taxed as ordinary income.
  3. Proceeds received that are in excess of the amount in tier 2 are taxed as capital gains.

Professional Life Settlements PLUS does not provide legal or tax advice.  Please consult your own CPA and/or attorney before selling your life insurance policy.

There are certain requirements that are necessary to estimate the life expectancy of the client and the true value of their policy. Settling a policy involves analysis of the insured’s current contract and health including:

  • An inforce illustration of the current policy
  • Medical Records
  • Life expectancy calculation
  • We keep all results confidential and the information helps us evaluate the cash potential of the policy.

Professional Life Settlements PLUS does not provide legal or tax advice.  Please consult your own CPA and/or attorney before selling your life insurance policy.

Start living

Case study: Unaffordable premiums

Male, 79 – Owns a $1,000,000 15 year term policy that he purchased when he was 65 and was issued preferred plus non-smoker and convertible until age 80. At age 75, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.  At age 79 he is put into a nursing home. The family asked us for term conversion illustrations as the policy was about to end. The annual premium for conversion is $69,000. The family cannot afford the new premium. PLSP ordered medical records and ran life expectancy calculations and took the conversion policy to the market and sold it for $200,000.

The family was overjoyed with the result.

Our Team

Noelle Kotsakis


Dan Penning

Life Settlement Specialist

Lloyd West

VP/Business Development

Ryan Woodke

Internal Underwriter

Bernadette Furca

VP/Business Development

We have a specific process to evaluate each potential life settlement case and affiliations with other experts to gather information on a client’s state of health, life expectancy and information on the client’s policy, all of which are carefully reviewed with the client. All of this analysis is provided free of charge or obligation to you.